Buenos Aires University

He's been teaching in the Design and morphology area of the Faculty of architecture, design and urbanism of the Buenos Aires University since 1993.
He's been a researcher of the CIDI since 1997. He specializes in the designing and development of hospital equipment and special furniture for hospital and home confinement.

Co-director of the C-I.B.A.U.T. - C.O.P.R.O.M.A, Transport, urban, and architectonic barriers Center of Investigation)- Comisión Pro Medios Accesibles.( Accessible Pro Means Commission)

He was in charge of many projects, such as individual offices or homes and special homes for the elderly.

As member of the Accessible Pro Means Commission of the Faculty of architecture, he has offered technical advice for the suppression of architectonic and urban barriers to Private and Public entities and governmental institutions.

Representative of the FADU-UBA in many international and national seminars on the suppression of architectonic barriers.

He develops his artistic activity focusing on the architectural drawing and the human body.

At the moment, he is doing a Master on Design in the Buenos Aires University. His thesis is based on ergonomic seats for people with spinal column problems.