-Technical architectural drawer-Barberis Builder Company.

- Interior designer- Villaverde decoration company.

-Drawings on Argentine Architecture- City Museum.

-Manager and partner of Pivot SRL (company specialized in office furniture), 1975-1985.

-Participation in individual and group expositions.

-Graphic designer for children illustrations, 1985-2004.

-Creator of "LA PLAZA DE PAPEL"-ViVa Magazine-Clarin Newspaper- together with Ana Arias (texts).

At the moment, she participates in the following editorials:
- Hyspamerica - Troquel- Hachette- Alfaguara- Editorial Atlántida (Revista Biliiken) - Plaza de Papel (Revista VIVA, Clarín)
-Designer of children games-graphic illustration: www.juglarjuegos.com.ar